Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides reproductive health services in the United States and internationally. In 2014, federal and state governments provided the organization with $528 million in funding (40% of its annual budget). The majority of this funding comes from Medicaid which subsidizes reproductive healthcare for low-income women. In 2014, abortions accounted for 3% of the services they provided. The majority of the other services include screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases and infections and providing contraception.…
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Yes, but put more restrictions on people who utilize it. If you cannot practice safe sex, then you shouldn't be receiving these services endlessly.
Yes, but the people having multiple abortions need to be penalized with fines and/or uterus removal.
Yes but that funding should be used to reduce the cost of procedures for those in low income households who need it.
Yes, but not for anything that leads to abortion unless its rape, incest, or a threat to the child and/or mother's life. Other than that, the government should focus on funding programs rather than organizations.
Planned parenthood should be considered free healthcare
Yes, and its services should be provided by a national healthcare service
No, the government should declare any and all abortions illegal on pain of death for all involved
I think that there should be life on this earth, if there is a baby in a belly it should be brought into this world. No life should be taken, all lives should be given.
the government should not give funds to any organizations
indifferent on this issue
Yes, but not for anything that leads to abortion unless its rape, incest, or a threat to the child and/or mother's life. Otherwise, the government should focus on funding programs rather than organizations.
No, keep it the at the same amount but don't cut it completely. Instead, the government should focus more on funding programs rather than organizations, and therefore, should not be used for abortions unless it's rape, incest, or a risk to mother's life or health.
Yes, but funding shouldn't be used for abortions unless it's rape, incest, or life-threatening situations, and only for mothers who are having financial issues. The government should focus more on funding programs rather than organizations.
No, keep it the at the same amount but don't cut it completely. Instead, the government should focus more on funding programs rather than organizations, and therefore should not be used for abortions unless it's rape, incest, or a risk to mother's life or health.
No, funding should be reduced but not by completely cutting it. The government should focus more on funding programs rather than organizations, and therefore, should not be used for abortions, unless it's rape, incest, or a risk to mother or child's life.
No, it should be funded less but not by completely cutting it. The government should focus more on funding programs rather than organizations, and therefore, should not be used for abortions unless it's rape, incest, or a risk to mother or child's life.
No, and the government should not give funds to any organizations that perform abortions, provide abortion counseling or referrals, advocate for decriminalizing abortion, or expand abortion services
Yes because I do believe that Planned Parenthood is a helpful resource in medically scarce and poorer communities. That being said, I wonder if abortions could be locally or privately funded at their locations just as private practices would do who perform abortions..
only in given situations where it is a necessity
No, and planned parenthood and other abortion providers should be dissolved by the government
Yes, but ONLY in relation to abortions that are ethical (after the first three months, and are done because of incest, rape, or severe danger to the mother)
Yes, free and easy access to abortion clinics, and healthcare in general, will make it easier for women to abort their fetuses before they become developed enough that abortion would be an unethical option.
No, the budget for this should be merged into the government's affordable health care system for those who can't afford it.
Yes because sometimes it can be pretty expensive when coming to take care of a child.
Only if they agree to stop having abortion procedures
Yes, with the expectation that they will not use the money for abortions and that if they do, they will have their funding taken away.
I think yes, but no if you plan on getting an abortion
Absolutely not! 1. Abortion have been a decrease in the population a couple years after roe v wade. 2. Some government officials( mainly Democrat) support abortion for votes. 3 minorities are hurt first and worse to abortion. Over 330,000 African American baby’s are abort every single year.
No, the government should fund different reproductive health groups that don't use funding to lobby legislatures.
yes, however; their should be no free "anything" if someone needs this type of service then they need to contribute. Always something someone can do towards a cause in order for them to receive that service.
Yes and also fund abortions
No, because people that pay taxes have to pay for kids that are not there.
No, but they should recieve tax breaks, along with security companies, retail clinics and pharmacies, schools, and other essential businesses.
We need Medicare For All before we can even have this discussion in a serious way.
Yes, but only after cutting the deficit.
If they stop illegal abortions, then yes.
The government should not be involved in these types of intimate matters
Yes, and the government should not give funds to any organizations that perform abortions provide abortion counseling or referrals, advocate to decriminalize abortion, or expande abortion services
Yes. As long as funding is not used for abortions besides for rape, incest, and danger to the mother, and if it is for rape, it should not be after a certain amount of time.
No, private organizations should shoulder the burden to fund Planned Parenthood.
Yes, but only after a full audit
No. Although I am pro-choice, I'm not a big fan of planned parenthood.
No, Planned Parenthood makes Millions on its own without Government intervention.
Yes, it doesn't matter to me as along as I am not heavily taxed by it.
No, the government should create a separate entity which provides screenings, etc. without providing contraceptives(widely) or abortions.
Yes, but should specifically fund birth control services with the aim to reduce the amount of abortions. and of course continue to fund other existing services
No. The federal government should not be in the business of deciding which non-profits succeed or fail. If they have public support then they will receive donations from the public.
I think abortion should be funded but only in good faith. That meaning rape victims/underage parents.
Yes, but it should be determined by the States whether it is used for abortions.
Yes, but only to clinics that do not possess an abortion license.
Yes, but keep abortions for more serious matters like rape or too keep paarent safe
No, increase access to healthcare by building more health clinics, urgent care centers, and hospitals in urban and rural areas.
yes and abortion should be supported
Yes but if we are funding abortions, the people getting them must pay it back.
The government should neither support nor impair Planned Parenthood.
Don't have a opinion on this topic.
Medical care should be free.
Yes as long as abortions aren't an option unless they were raped or you know for a fact that baby with bad quality of life.
I'm pro-choice let people do whatever.
Am not educated enough to make a decision
No. Destroy planned parenthood. bill gates's father ran that organization.
No, there are other organizations which offer the services of Planned Parenthood without abortions.
N/A don’t understand this question
We need to make abortions illegal because it is murder and is unfair for the child.
It should be more regulated.
Yes, because it provides more for people then just abortions.
Yes- including funding abortions and many more health services that come from planned parenthood
Yes, these services should be rolled up into a single payer health system, managed by city or state government
No, these services should be rolled up into a single payer health system, managed by city or state government
No, the origin of this organization and its founders where disgusting people that believe in eugenics and target black communities the most to so they wouldn't over populated America.
"The ministers work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the [Birth Control] Federation [of America] as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the N*** population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members" quote Margaret Sanger founder of planned parenthood.
Yes, and expand mental health care and sex education, but eliminate elective abortions.
Yes, but they shouldn't give money to organizations that are for abortion
As long as it for the right reasons.
Every Bussiness Can Continue With Ethics
Yes, as long as any abortions performed are performed with good reason
No, unless the government stops funding abortions.
The Government should fund a non-planned parenthood entity that provides important medical care to women sans abortion.
No. I support a womans right to choose. I support a womans right to decide on her own healthcare options. 100 percent. I understand that sometimes dire circumstances may call for dire measures. So I'm not into judging anyone. Ladies, there's no judgement from me, I love you. At the same time, I think early term abortion is just not a good practice and late-term abortion is just uncivilized - and therefore it should not be funded by tax payers.
No, and the government should not give funds to any organizations that perform abortions besides for rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child. All other babies should be kept by the mother or adopted.
No. But the government should also have no say in abortion. That should be between a woman and her doctor.
No, protect abortion rights nation wide but let each state choose how much money is used to fund Planned Parenthood
Yes, but decrease the amount of money that we fund
Sure, but women should not abuse abortions. They must be mature and old enough to accept and adapt to the outcome and situation that will occur.
Only if it's for rape victims.
Yes, but reduce the amount donated.
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