Torture is the act of deliberately inflicting physical or psychological pain on a person in order to compel an action from the victim. Reasons for torture include punishment, intelligence gathering and coercion. In 1948, after World War II, the United Nations outlawed torture when it adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Opponents of torture argue that the government should never practice torture since it is inhumane and illegal under international law. Proponents argue that the military should not be prevented from using torture if they believe it will keep the country safe.
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Shoot the terrorists in the head
Shoot the terrorist in the head
Just execute the terrorist.
Only if they are responsible for the killings of others.
No, insofar as the military acts in service of the state, it may not use advanced interrogation techniques, as per the eighth amendment.
Just execute said terrorist.
Yes, but only to address an imminent threat.
Execute proven terrorists.
Just bribe them like normal people.
Yes, but only against foreign terrorism suspects.
No, torture is an ineffective form of interrogation, because torture is inhumane, unethical, and violates the 8th amendment, and we should strictly follow the laws of the Geneva Convention.
No, torture is an ineffective form of interrogation because torture is inhumane, unethical, & violates the 8th amendment, and we should strictly follow the laws of the Geneva Convention, even though we should use every "LEGAL" means necessary to prevent terrorism, there are better ways to accomplish this than by allowing the military to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, for example, to gain information from suspected terrorists to prevent terrorist attacks.
No, torture is inhumane, unethical, violates the 8th amendment and we should strictly follow the laws of the Geneva Convention.
Yes, but torture, or trauma-creating techniques aren’t effective. Sleep-deprivation or disruption, psychological techniques, and lying can be useful without dehumanizing subjects.
No, we should send suspects to other countries for enhanced interrogation instead. (Their methods are more effective)
Yes, but only for foreign terrorists and not U.S. citizens as it violates the 8th amendment.
Yes, but only if the suspect is not a US citizen
Torture is not an effective form of interrogation, and is inhumane. We should follow the Geneva Convention.
No. Not only does this violate the constitution, Geneva convention, and several courts of human rights. But it's ineffective, encourages spilling of false information, and gives opposing factions justification in some eyes to torture our own citizens in "retaliation".
Yes, but only if the suspect is not a U.S. citizen
Of course. The fact that torture exists in the United States, which calls itself a pinnacle of democracy and fairness, is sickening.
No, the electric chair is fine.
Yes, although I disagree with torture and think its ineffective and inhuman, we should allow it as a last resort
No, but allow it only if it is literally the last resort that we have.
No, but allow it only if it is literally the last resort that we have.
Yes, but only as a last resort for a confirmed terrorist.
Yes, but ONLY if there is solid evidence and probable cause against the suspect, and ONLY as a last resort and ONLY if there is a strong chance for a terrorist attack against the U.S. to occur.
Yes, only if there is undeniable evidence they are part of a terrorist organization.
It works for some but not all.
Yes, if they're a threat to our country
No, torture is an ineffective form of interrogation, is inhumane, unethical, and violates the 8th amendment
Yes, but only when it is confirmed that the terrorists are doing the same thing to their prisoners.
Yes, as long as the suspect is not a citizen, if they are not a citizen they are not under the U.S. constitution.
No, just kill the terrorists.
it depends on the sittuation.
No, execute known terrorists.
No, swiftly execute said terrorist.
Just shoot the terrorist.
Yes, but only as a last resort when intelligence suggests that an attack of malicious intent is imminent
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