In early 2020, several Democratic presidential candidates including Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Pete Buttigieg and Beto O’Rourke offered different proposals to reforming the Supreme Court. The proposals include adding 5 democratically elected judges to the current court and imposing term limits on current judges. According to the U.S. federal statute, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed from office. Proponents of Supreme Court reform argue that the current court will be filled with too many conservative judges for the next several decades and it is not representative of the US population. Opponents argue that the plans are unconstitutional, would upset the balance of power and reinforce the idea that there are Democratic judges and Republican judges.
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Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Political party:
Get politics out of the courts.
Get the politics out of the court.
Implement term limits and get the politics out of the court.
Yes, reform the court to get politics out and implement term limits.
Yes, get politics out of the courts and impose term limits.
Yes, implement term limits and get politics out of the courts.
No, and it should not be possible to become supreme court justice unless one is a Christian heterosexual cisgender male who believes the constitution must be interpreted based on the original understanding at the time it was adopted.
No, get politics out of the courts and implement term limits.
Yes, and de politicize the courts.
Yes, get the politics out of the courts and implement term limits.
Yes, implement term limits and get the politics out of the courts.
Yes, reform to impose term limits on judges and the courts should not be politicized.
Get politics out of the court. Uphold the constitution
There are deeper structural changes like making the supreme court a rotating bench of federal judges which I support.
Their should be an equal amount of representation from each community across the nation but it should get politicized.
No, and the Supreme Court Justices appointed by the ineligible usurper Obama should be removed and all their rulings voided
Term limits and the court should not be politized.
Get politics and religion out of the courts.
Get politics and religion put of the courts.
Get politics and religion out of the court.
Yes, but only reform to impose term limits on justices with option of having them reappointed or replaced, and allow citizens to decide who shall serve in the Supreme Court to become elected officials and include more seats. Same policy would apply to all federal judicial benches. Overall, there should be an equal number of liberal and conservative judges.
Get politics out of the court
Yes, but only reform to impose term limits on justices with option of having them reappointed or replaced. Same policy would apply to all federal judicial benches.
Get the politics out of the courts and implement term limits.
No, but the supreme court should maintain a balance of political opinions as to never lean one way or the other.
Yes, but I would like to at some point move to abolish the Supreme Court
Yes, but I would prefer abolishing the Supreme Court.
Not at the moment, but this idea as well as other ways to reform the Supreme Court should be investigated
Congress should pass a Constitutional amendment to limit the Supreme Court to 9 seats, with 18 year term limits. A new justice would be chosen every odd numbered year to ensure greater distance from elections, and a fairer distribution of appointments to Presidents.
No. It is unconstitutional and expansion and term limits could be corrupted in the future for political purposes.
Yes, unless you have a Better Idea to Prevent The US supreme court from becoming a threat to our democracy. (e.g. being weaponized to skew political power, insulate extreme conservative coalitions from accountability, etc.)
Yes, justices have varying ideologies and constitutional interpretations. The small number of justices is an inadequate sample size that cannot issue fair decisions and that creates intensely partisan battles regarding nominations. With more justices and shorter terms, decisions would have a more accurate consensus nomination battles would be less partisan.
Yes, but only reform to impose term limits on judges and the majority political party in the House will also have the majority in the supreme court. Example: 5 Democrats and 4 Republicans as of right now since the House is democrat controlled. Alternatively if the Republicans have the House majority then the supreme court will be 5 republicans and 4 democrats.
Seats can be added but no term limits.
More seats should be temporarily added by a non-Republican administration to rectify the stealing of Merrick Garland's seat in 2016, Judge Kennedy's collusive and premature retirement during the Trump administration, and the Republican's hypocritical confirmation of Coney Barrett. Term limits should also be instituted.
No, but the people should have the right to recall judges if they receive enough votes.
Yes, reform is needed but it needs to be done in a way that can be carried out without politicization.
Yes, and ensure that the judges are elected by the populace, not designated by the President.
The number of Justices should remain the same. Justices should have no term limits but should be subject to mental fitness tests regularly.
Move to a 2/3rds majority confirmation requirement in the Senate for all federal judges, cap the Supreme Court at 9 justices, impose 18-year terms and a rotating term system for Supreme Court justices, and have a commission select a list of potential nominees for the President to select.
No, only increase the number of Supreme Court judges to match population growth for more judicial review and increased workloads.
Yes, but only reform to impose an age 75 limit for judges serving on the Supreme Court
Yes, reform to add two additional seats and impose an age 75 limit for judges serving on the Supreme Court
No, and Congress should be more proactive so that the Supreme Court can be less politicized.
Regardless, Supreme Court justices should be decided in a national election voted on by the American people
Add one more seat for a more equal distribution and fairness.
Yes, there should be term limits to reduce the amount of power an individual can hold and court-packing would be more representative of our population.
Yes, we need to increase the seats so there are 10 justices on the court with 5 being democrats and 5 being republican. However, for something like this to work they need to introduce a "no tie policy" so all votes wouldn't end 5-5.
No, but reform how the judges are selected.
Yes, but only reform to impose an age 75 limit on judges who serve on the Court
Yes, include 15 seats and age limits to 70
No, but there should be reform on how the justices are picked
No, but their should be reform on how the justices are picked
Yes, but also reform how the judges are selected to avoid politicization.
Yes, reform to include two additional seats and impose an age 75 limit for judges serving on the Court
Yes, but only reform to impose an age limit of 75 for judges serving on the Court
Yes, reform to include two additional seats and impose an age limit of 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, add two additional seats and impose an age limit of 75 for judges serving on the Court
Yes, impose an age limit of 75 for judges serving on the Court
Yes, reform to include two additional seats and impose an age limit of 75 for judges serving on the Court
Yes, by adding two additional judges to the Court, and setting term limits of 24 years for judges or a mandatory retirement age of 75, whichever comes first.
Yes, by adding two additional judges to the Court and setting term limits of 24 years for judges and/or a mandatory retirement age of 75, whichever comes first.
Yes, reform to include more seats and set a maximum age limit of 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to add two additional seats and impose a maximum age limit of 75 for judges
Yes, but only reform to impose a maximum age limit of 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to include more seats and a maximum age limit of 75 for Justices to serve on the Court
Yes, reform to include more seats and set a maximum age limit of 75 for Justices to serve on the Court
The way justices are appointed needs to be reformed.
Yes, reform to add two additional seats and impose a maximum age limit of 75 on judges
Yes, reform to add two additional seats and impose a maximum tenure of age 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to add two additional seats and a requirement that age 75 is the maximum tenure for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, but only reform to impose a term limit of age 75 on judges who serve on the Court
Yes, but only reform to impose a term limit of age 75 on judges
Yes, reform to include more seats and impose an age 75 limit for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to include more seats and impose an age limit of age 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to add two more seats and impose an age limit of age 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to include two more seats and impose a limit of age 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, vote on a Constitutional amendment to add two more seats and impose a limit of age 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to add two more seats and impose a limit of age 75 for judges who serve on the Court
Yes, reform to include two more seats and an age 75 limit for judges serving on the Supreme Court
Yes, but only reform to impose an age 75 limit for judges serving on the Supreme Court.
Yes, reform to add two more seats and impose an age 75 limit for judges serving on the Supreme Court
Yes, and add an extensive nonpartisan screening process to insure each nominee is qualified and impartial.
It should be reformed to have term limits and some way of the public directly voting on the position. Either in giving a thumbs up or down on a specific nominee or an election between several candidates.
No, but the candidate must be shown to be unbiased and have a well-established education/background to know and understand the law.
Yes. Judges of the supreme court should retire once they hit they're 70 birthday.
No, I think it is fine how it is.
Yes, in that judges must be shown to be unbiased and apolitical. The judiciary should never be politicized. Judges should have to receive equal represented parties to be confirmed and be fully vetted. Term limits only for mandatory age retirement.
Yes, match the number of supreme court justices with the number of district circuits.
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